You plan to plant or decorate your garden. It is a good time to visit the agrarian and nursery Longo in Rovinj and pick the seeds.

Seed is a living organism, subject to various environmental impacts and storage modes, and its properties are also dependent on genetic traits as well as health status.

Is there a germination limit, and what do the terms mean lower and better germination?

Seed | Nursery LONGO | Rovinj | Istria

If we plant some thirty seeds of some species and if there are only ten plants, we will not be happy with such seeds. We will find it difficult to find a seed in which all plants will grow.

Our goal is to make as many plants as possible, which is another reason to visit us and ask for our advice. We are always ready to do our best to help you.

Rasadnik LONGO

 Madona del Campo 1/G ,

52 210 Rovinj


    052 829 081   

 052 842 028

    091 620 6927 

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